Flora M Schule

Flora’s Story 

Flora closeupFlora Maria Schule graduated from law school at the age of 23, and practiced as a litigator for the next 14 years. She discovered the power of conscious connected breathing techniques in 1999, while going through a divorce and making a career transition to include mediation. She then received her initial training the pranayama conscious connected breathwork mind-body lineage of Leonard Orr and Sondra Ray.

After practicing on many friends and family for over 100 session hours, in 2001 Flora received her second level Connected Breath Practitioner certification from LifeBreath Integrations, and began offering private connected breath sessions for official clients. For the next few years, she facilitated many private breath sessions, guiding hundreds of people through this freeing, uplifting and powerful experience. During this time she was still advising her legal clients in the successful resolution of business, workplace and personal disputes. Flora also received additional advanced training in personal transformational coaching as a Designated Seminar Leader and City Coach for Landmark Education, and continued her private practice and advanced training in mediations, meditations, energy work, and added extensive trainings in the kinesiology modality of “Body Talk” and using Enneagram personality typing to free habitual personality limitations. When she left her positions at Landmark, she began to facilitate her own private group breath, couples and healing sessions, including with re-birthing co-founder Sondra Ray.

Flora retired from the active practice of law at the end of 2004, leaving a thriving legal practice in order to unify her transformational and mediation training and follow her heart. She continued to pursue intensive advanced training and experience in life coaching, spiritual coaching, tantric connecting practices, and leading transformational seminar programs, providing clarity, completion and peace. She was also very successful with her investments in real estate and led prosperity expansion seminars, noticing as she continued her breathwork and clarity coaching, that she was able to de-stress, focus on result-oriented actions and produce expanded financial investment results in the world. By 2009, she was leading “Conscious Connecting” and “Conscious Commitment” relationship workshop intensives, in addition to continuing to work privately with individuals and couples in body-mind and relationship reset sessions.  

In 2010, Flora trademarked her new and evolved healing and coaching process as “Transcendent Healing,” and began offering Transcendent Healing facilitator training intensives, training others to bring healing and transformation to their lives through breathwork and other related modalities.

All of the consulting and guidance support Flora provides is intended for connecting deeper — to your own truth, to your inner wisdom and grace, and to others in a divinely present way that heals past hurts, patterns and even “addictions,” and allows for the experience of whole-hearted connection, abundance, joy and peace.

Flora became a best-selling author in the 2015 2nd Edition of the popular book Succeeding Through Doubt, Fear and Crisis available here; and her new Kindle single “Awakening Thru Infidelity” is available for purchase hereShe also has been a frequent contributor to the online resource “Healing After Experiencing Covert Passive-Aggressive Narcissism”

Flora can be found facilitating well-being re-set sessions and group workshops in North Phoenix and other retreat locations, as well as in online remote sessions. She also travels the country facilitating relationship commitments ceremonies, teaching and providing individual aliveness clarity and relationship re-sets. Flora is committed to using her new awareness and upleveled marriage coupleship container, as well as using every experience she encounters, to help herself and others grow and enliven. Contact her for a year-long whole-life reset opportunity, for private individual or couples re-set sessions, and/or to host or attend a workshop with her.

Flora brings Sparkle and Aliveness!”  💖

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