Transcendent Healing™ RADIANCE Training —
and Certification Process
Options: 6 months group; 1:1 coaching; 90 day intensive
Come transform your life and raise your energy body to a new level of consciousness! This journey is a full and complete reset of body, mind, emotions, and Spirit, while being trained to facilitate others in doing the same (and a professional certification for those interested in that ‘add on’).
Focused on Your Development 💖
During this inner radiance training you will be focusing on learning how to facilitate your own deep emotional releases and clearings for the first three months, and then the second 3 months you will learn how to hold space for others – friends, children, lovers, clients – and facilitate incredible detox healing sessions (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). Shifting to an energetic perspective allows for you to expand your power with the nonverbal context of your relationships and life.
Level 1 Completion of Training certificate:
This journey is six weekends long, one per month. Second workshop weekend (clearing and deepening conscious relating patterns) in March and last weekend (July graduation) require travel to Arizona for “hand on” practices and processes.
Each weekend will include two complete intensive Transcendent Healing breath sessions (regular price $395/each), emotional/mental/embodiment clearing – and training! – in 8 different breathing patterns and at least 6 different energetic healing modalities that complement breath clearings. And the biggest “training” is your own release of past emotional and mind-body blocks and baggage — THE very thing that will most allow you to BE fully present in your body, connect with others in new deeper ways, and also hold space for others competently and compassionately. This added Presence helps you facilitate actual release sessions, and greatly uplevel your ability to hold a deeply transformative and impactful space for your own professional client coaching sessions (or assist friends with their challenges thru your deeper awareness and listening). Also included is support in between weekends, both with a group online session and an individual private clarity coaching call with Flora in between each training weekend, in order to support you in shifting limiting life patterns and reliably applying what you are discovering in your life and relationships.
The group will be kept small so significant individual attention is received by all. You will feel connected and supported. You get to be your AUTHENTIC Self in a safe container, with everyone having a chance to be seen, heard, valued and Loved.
“Embodying GRACE => Your Spiritual Practice made Visible”
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Level 2 Certification:
For those who might want training to facilitate professional conscious connected Breathwork sessions. Includes review, support and oversight of your first 70 hours of session facilitation with private clients and review of S.O.A.P. notes by trainer (currently Flora). Includes phone support, pre- or post- session consultation (and sometimes even support during the first few sessions, if desired and available) and review of all S.O.A.P. notes intermittently with detailed feedback and debriefing.
Level 3 Certification and Collaboration
100 hours of session facilitation with private clients and demonstration that all requirements have been met. You and your life and relationships will be a demonstration of the power of the process. Full support from Flora pre- or post- session. Completion of the third level of training, The Transcendent Healing Practitioner Certification, will enable the Certified Practitioner to work with Breathe Life Now, be listed on this website as a practitioner, and receive personal referrals, including directly from Flora.
The cost for the Level 1 six-month Embodied Radiance and Conscious Breath Practitioner completion certificate is $2,000/month, total of $12,000. Prepayment in full before first weekend discounts tuition to $9,500. Level 2 support is an additional payment of $2,500. There is no upfront fee for Level 3, income is shared, and all Transcendent Healing sessions with Flora are at a reduced price for life (Clarity coaching support calls with Flora available for additional support and fee).
Note: Level 2 certification is usually within one year of Level 1 training completion and Level 3 is completed within a time frame set by the trainer and student together. The faster you acquire your hours, the quicker you will move through the requirements.
Next Program Dates:
February 21-23, 2025 March 21-23, 2025
April 18-20, 2025 ` May 16-18, 2025
June 2025 weekend, TBD July 2025 weekend, TBD
(specific group online meeting times will be determined by the small group participants at time of registration, register early to get your first choices! 🙂
90 Day Intensive version coming for summer detox and whole-being cleansing: June-Aug 2025! $9500 (only $7500 for registration commitments prior to January 1, 2025)
** Both programs (regular length and shortened “intensive”) include health and wellness “resets” to help you reset your life and/or marriage after tending to young children and help you “sparkle from the inside”:
- Whole body detox cleanse
- 12 emotional release/detox breathwork sessions
- owning the value of your Presence as the “emotional heart of your home,” shifting from habitual human doing to human Being
- Whole house/auto/finances detox cleanse and reset
- training to hold and move from your heart-pelvis intuitive “core”
- sex and vitality reset
- using tantric energy to clear emotional upsets
- closets and appearance reset
- sleeping better and waking rested and mentally clear
- “game face” de-armoring and softening (eliminate any resentment/bitterness holding aging lines)
- clearing and strengthening vibration, aura and energy centers
- movement and strength training support with buddies
- revitalizing your Eros and feeling Juicy even without physical body desire to procreate
- having FUN, enjoying LIFE, nurturing friendships and support 💖
Call/text or email Flora for details and to apply at:
Flora Maria Schule received her initial intensive training in 2000, and her second level certification in early 2001, both from the LifeBreath Institute. [Her LifeBreath teacher has since published a book clarifying the impact of the processes: “Ride the Emotional Wave” by Maren Nelson.] Thereafter, Flora received in-depth spiritual and shamanic training as well as education as a conflict resolutions specialist (mediator) and leader of transformational seminar programs at Landmark Worldwide. She officially became a licensed minister and transformation coach, leading corporate and personal seminars for many years to hundreds of participants, and becoming known for a depth of listening and reliability in facilitating in-the-moment transformation shifts.
Throughout this past 24 years, Flora has been creating and developing her own Transcendent Healing™ process which has integrated and evolved from the many modalities she has studied and mastered. She has a successful and active private practice at her North Phoenix desert retreat center where she has guided hundreds of clients in this sacred healing process. She has also conducted four successful six-month facilitator training intensives since January 2010 and a previous experimental 3-month intensive version in August 2018. She is currently opening 2 spots beginning in 2025 for 9-month whole life mentorships that focus on stability and joy in primary partnership and service/work in the world.
Learn more from previous Practitioner Training graduates:
– Leah, Business/Executive Coach, Glendale AZ
– J. S., Mesa, Az
“I always feel loved by Flora. Safe to risk and grow.”
– Mary, retired, Anthem AZ
“My breath session with Flora was amazing! I’ve never experienced the sensation that I had in any other alternative therapy session. I highly recommend it.”
– Therese, Minister and Healer, Phoenix AZ
“You have such a gift, and I know you’ve put in lots of work and study to get where you are, too. It was the oddest thing, feeling like I was outside watching the session at times, thinking, ‘who is this person?’, utterly clueless that all that was going on inside. I knew it was important not to put myself in a box of conformity, appropriate/inappropriate, if I were to have a chance to work through things. Two big things I got (though it’s a work in progress). One is that it’s ok. I know I don’t completely get that, but I’m getting it. I put the sticky note on the bathroom mirror right in front of the heart. Don’t feel as much resistance to it as when I put it up Thursday! The other thing is, when I got home, I went to bed, was doing breathing,being aware, then thought ‘I need to get up’ (was on the incline board at this point). Thought I’d check in to see if I really did, or it was avoidance. It was avoidance. So I stayed with it, breathing, and went through the resistance. I’d been aware of the big avoidance stuff, watching a movie as an escape, for instance, but wasn’t familiar with the smaller, more subtle avoidance techniques I used. So there’s much more awareness there now.
So, thank you again, Flora. You have one of the most open hearts of anyone I’ve ever met. Open and generous. It’s touching and beautiful. Thank you for you.”
– Jeannie S., Body Worker, Phoenix AZ
–– Chris C., Boston MA
– Tim S., Business Owner, Phoenix AZ